Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Okay, it's time to write a first post. I've  done a lot off thinking about this blog. Would it be valuable to other developers or it'll be unused crap. Anyways I've decided to start writing because it may do great job for me - I can share my staff with others! What( you may say)?!! Yes the blog is to share posts around the globe, so this simple meaning drives me and i continue writing.
Some info about me: I am just php developer who started this interesting way in march 2009 when i decided to be a web developer on senior PHP developer in Kiev (Ukraine). Also i have audio-production skills which i've got in Kiev National University of Culture and Art link(in russian).
So I am from Ukraine and i like programming. My sphere of interests include as many  WEB technologies as my head can hold and process) So this blog is kind of place for tracking this huge information stream.
It's all for introduction i think. Also this post may be updated.